PTO Updates

Meeting Notes – 8/19/20 PTO Meeting


Spirit Wear

Will keep all prices the same for repeat/redesigned items. 

Bracelets will be 1 for $3 or 2 for $5.

Playground update

Playground is in! 

4 picnic tables from front of building have been moved to perimeter of playground.

Patio update

Benches: Presented 5 options. 3 unanimous votes were made:

Get rid of yellow benches but keep blue benches for now and replace them in the near future as we raise funds.

We will paint the blue benches for a facelift and to better match playground.

New benches will not have arms.

Benches will go in-ground around perimeter of patio.

Patio: Presented 2 design options. 2 unanimous votes were made:

Selected design for a smaller semi-circle patio with benches around the edge and an 8-foot buffer between playground edge and patio.

PTO will purchase a rock with The Robert King Memorial Playground engraved as a placeholder until the new benches are ordered with a plaque/engraving.


Orientation events

Sign up for Grades 1 to 4 spirit wear and slush:

Sign up for Kindergarten spirit wear and slush:

Ryal Side Day

Signup for entire event setup: to come soon

Signup for PTO table:

Ideas for table (swag, games, giveaways)

We decided to have spirit wear for sale, giveaways, face paint, giant Connect Four.

4th grade end of year

Presentation of ideas and new bylaw:

The PTO will contribute $2500 toward 4th grade end-of-year activities and will further support end-of-year activities by designating one spring catalog fundraiser toward 4th grade. Separately, the 4th grade will also run a direct donation drive and will independently fundraise to reach their goal.


Voted unanimously that PTO will contribute $2500 to 4th grade end-of-year.

Voted unanimously that PTO will designate the spring catalog fundraiser to 4th grade end-of-year.

Voted unanimously to pass bylaw as written.

Meeting Day/Time

PTO meetings will be held at the Ayers library on the 1st Monday each month at 7:30 pm. The first meeting, however, will be September 9.

1st day lounge stockup–We will stock the lounge on September 3

Comedy night

$1000 to $2500 for 2 to 3 comedians, plus an opener, plus walk-around magic at beginning

Would need to rent a venue

They recommend selling tix for $45, so need to sell 25 to 55 to break even.

The board expressed interest in holding this event. Jenny Cummings offered to reach out to Off Cabot about a date in the fall. We will reevaluate and discuss ticket prices once she hears back.

Event calendar

Ryal Side Day: September 14

Momball: September 20-22

Pictures in Park: October 19 + 20

Trunk or Treat: October 25

Election Day Bake Sale: November 5

Someone Special Dance: January 25

Stuffie Sleepover: February 7

Family Bingo: March 7

Yard Sale: April 5/6


Fall catalog: Michele Meltzer will reach out to same company.

Cookie dough: Jenny Cummings will reach out to same company.

Superbowl Squares

Spring catalog

We also discussed a Read-a-Thon and weighed whether to hold one as a fundraiser or hold one not related to fundraising. Meredith to follow up with Mrs. Hart. (Follow-up: If there is a read-a-thon, the Ayers staff will coordinate it not as a fundraiser.)

PTO Updates