Robert King Memorial Playground is finished!

The new playground is ready!! This beautiful ship-themed structure features 2 slides, rock climbing, lots of fun climbing activities, plus a separate climbing structure, swings, and a communication board. We’ve moved four picnic tables from the front of the building to the back so students who don’t feel like playing have a place to sit, work on bead bracelets, or just hang out with friends. We gave some of the benches that were there a fresh coat of paint with plans to replace them soon.

We ran into a few snags with the patio; however, we are hoping that project will get underway this week. It will be worked on outside of school hours and should be completed in the coming weeks.

Thank you to all who helped with the playground: planning fundraisers;  donating money, time, raffle prizes, or shoes; brainstorming ideas or putting plans into action; applying for grants; showing up to help with whatever the task of the day was. A special thank you to our playground committee, which did hours of behind-the-scenes work to make this happen. 

It was a long road and we asked a lot from families last year–including families whose students would be moving on from Ayers after and wouldn’t get to use the structure every day. Know you are always welcome to play at Ayers and enjoy the structure you helped build. 

Thank you again for bearing with us and for helping in any way you were able to last year.