PTO Updates

Meeting Notes – 9/9/24 PTO Meeting

Welcome from Meredith


Jenny heading up 4th grade
Rachel – Ward 1 rep
Katherine N – volunteer
Sarah – BevEd rep
Kyle – Ayers Alum!
7 others in attendance remotely

Questions for Mrs. Hart
Send to Meredith Quinn to pass along

Update from Rachael Abell (in person) 

  • Two at-large school committee members opening one for 1, 2 and 3; one for 4, 5, and 6
    • Wednesday nights full for a very long time
    • Sometimes stack – 4 hours 2x monthly v. 2 hours 4x monthly
  • Continuing work on Sep 12, 2024
    • Closed negotiations
    • Community Members lining Sawyer Road
  • In-person Meetings or BevCam video 
  1. Subcommittee Meeting on Sep 11, 2024 at 6:15
    1. May speak up to 3 minutes
  2. First regular school committee meeting on Sep 11, 2024 at 7:30am

Treasurer update 

  • Ashley to post the budget for this year
    • Playground money hasn’t been given to the city yet – earmarked
    • 20K remaining
      • 5K to patio/new benches
    • 158K paid to the vendor
      • Fundraised 51K plus Lynch Grant $10K = surplus for patio 🙂

BevEd update 

  • What does BevEd do? Fundraise + offer grants + give money out
  • Subscribe to their newsletter – How else to get the word out?
    • Curriculum Night table
    • All school newsletters
    • End of year celebration blurb about how many teachers were recognized
    • Could BevEd have a table at some of the Ayers events to raise awareness & community involvement?
  • Fabulous last year – 30K grant from the Cummings Foundation
    • Honored teacher was the lowest it’s been at every school

Enrichments planned so far… 

  • November: Planetarium
  • December: Storyteller presenting about some African cultures
  • February program: Rob Surrette (speed artist/muralist & motivational speaker; going to gift one of his works of art)
  • Afternoon enrichments in the works
    • Theater starts this week
    • Suggestions welcome

4th Grade Changes: 

New 4th grade bylaw …
The PTO will contribute $2500 toward 4th grade end-of-year activities and will further support end-of-year activities by designating one spring catalog fundraiser toward 4th grade. Separately, the 4th grade will also run a direct donation drive and will independently fundraise to reach their goal.

4th Grade End-of-Year Events TBD

  • Historically began going to the playground for pizza due to the logistical difficulty of 2 last graduation ceremonies the spring prior to new BMS opening
  • Teachers d.n. want to have an off-site playground event

Room parent coordinator opening

Position currently available

Wasn’t hugely successful last year

Do teachers want a room parent?